Is it safe to get married during Corona?

Couples are searching for the perfect marriage garden, pretty dresses and performing small functions in order to tie the knot. But is it really safe? Let’s find out. 

In this pandemic that is coronavirus situation most major health organisations are still recommanding to stay away from big crowds and major social gatherings as by coming in close contact with people or be in around of more people is not safe nowadays.Many people have lost their lives because of this dangerous corona virus.Even by taking all the precautions and safety measures as guided by the government still it is a long race for us to fight against this pandemic corona virus situation.

  As we have stayed home for a longer period of time and followed all the lockdowns as guided by our government and now the government has made some changes and allowed some things like opening of shops , offices and many other things.

Likewise,it has also given permission for marriage but with the condition that the marriage will only include fifty members and not more than that.And it is very much required and mandatory because if more and more people will meet at a particular place then it will increase the chances to get in touch with this dangerous coronavirus.
Henceforth it is suggested by the government that if it is very necessary for a person to get out of their home or to do a social gathering ,in such situation only they should do otherwise it is advisable to stay at home and be safe.


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