Health tips for youngsters to stay fit during Corona

You can either practise some Natural Health Tips or workout at home using some basic equipment like skipping ropes, dumbbells, etc. 

In this pandemic corona virus situation each and every one needs to be very much conscious and safe regarding their health safety and of others too.
Some of the tips can be like ;wash your hands every 10 minutes ,before eating something and also after eating something.
Use of mask is mandatory now for each and every person.Every one should use mask while going out of their houses or anywhere else .Sanitization that is santizing your hands very frequently has also become a important part of life now.Now every shops or everywhere we go now have adopted to sanitize the hands first then they would allow to go or enter anywhere. Wearing of gloves is also a safety measure which we should take to avoid contact with anybody.
Social distancing is also the most important factor which needs to be keep in mind every time we go out,or also anywhere.By following these tips one could stay away from this dangerous corona virus.And also avoiding junk foods now a days will be a great effort as by avoiding junk food you will keep yourself away from the virus.Eat healthy and make your body strong by eating those things which will help to make your immunity strong.


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