Food photography tips for bloggers

Food PR and food photography have recently gained popularity.

Here are some of the tips of food photography for bloggers.

1.Use of Natural Light
One of the important tip will be to use natural light while capturing picture for this purpose.
As by making use of natural light one will be able to show and portrait the exact and real image of the food.And this will surely impact on the viewers when they will see such amazing and original pictures.

 2.Take photos from multiple angles 
Always try to take photos from different different angles .Try to move your plate so that you can capture variety of angles with it.Later on,you can choose the best angle from where it looks the best.

3.Minimize clutter 
Focus on your background and try to eliminate those things which are not important or which seems to be unnecessary with the food like spoon, napkin or the busy background so that your picture looks perfect.

4.It should not look blurry
Always try to hold your camera carefully,your camera should not shake while taking the photograph as it will make the photograph blurry.Noone likes to see such kinds of pictures or photographs which are blurry or which are not clearly visible.So always try to hold your camera perfectly before clicking any picture so that it looks awesome and perfect.


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